In Turkey, chronic diseases rank first in regard to causes of death and disease burden. Researches show that overweight and obesity prevalence is increasing in our country as well as in the world and that obesity is beginning to affect our children and our young people in particular.
According to WHO data in 2016, there are 650 million people with obesity around the World and in Turkey, the prevelance of obesity is 32%, the highest country in Europe over age 18. In parallel with this, in our country, the prevelance of obesity has doubled in the last 10 years reached 13,7%. According to IDF 8. Diabetes Atlas, in Turkey today, the number of diabetes of 7.5 million is expected to reach 11.2 million people in 2045. Obesity is a health problem with many chronic diseases and according to social studies, 44% of patients with obesity also have type 2 diabetes.
In Turkey, chronic diseases rank first in regard to causes of death and disease burden. Researches show that overweight and obesity prevalence is increasing in our country as well as in the world and that obesity is beginning to affect our children and our young people in particular.
According to WHO data in 2016, there are 650 million people with obesity around the World and in Turkey, the prevelance of obesity is 32%, the highest country in Europe over age 18. In parallel with this, in our country, the prevelance of obesity has doubled in the last 10 years reached 13,7%. According to IDF 8. Diabetes Atlas, in Turkey today, the number of diabetes of 7.5 million is expected to reach 11.2 million people in 2045. Obesity is a health problem with many chronic diseases and according to social studies, 44% of patients with obesity also have type 2 diabetes.
In this situation, it will be possible to succeed in the fight against obesity in the context of chronic non-communicable diseases only if the stakeholders related to this subject work coordinated, determined and all together. In this fight, being aware of the responsibility of non-governmental organizations within the scope of national health policies, the Obesity Center of Excellence was established in Ankara Bilkent City Hospital Endocrinology Clinic with the support of the Health Promotion and Health Policies Association.
One of the most effective ways to promote physical activity in Turkiye is the family physicians system. Each of the 80 million citizens is registered with a family physician. Reducing the prevalence of obesity within the scope of preventive medicine is within the responsibility of family physicians. For this reason, this program have importance on increasing awareness of family physicians’ positions regarding physical activity and its place in the prevention of disease and their direct and effective touches to society.
Fight Against Obesity Program which has started in the begining of 2018, has been prepared in parallel with ‘Turkiye Healthy Nutrition and Active Life Program’ of the Ministry of Health and conducted since.