Scope of the Study:
This study aims to understand the smoking habits in Turkey, the tendency to quit smoking and the factors affecting this process. The scope of the study includes the following main topics:
Socio-demographic Variables: The effects of participants' characteristics such as age, gender, education level and income on their smoking habits.
Cigarette Consumption Patterns and Levels: Examination of daily cigarette consumption, smoking frequency and habits.
Perceptions and Triggers: Smokers' perceptions of smoking and the factors that shape these perceptions. Social, psychological and physical conditions that trigger smoking.
Smoking Cessation Experiences: Participants' quit attempts, motivations and challenges.
Clustering and Behavioral Patterns: Classification of users according to their smoking habits and analysis of behavioral differences of these groups.
Preliminary Findings of the Study
The preliminary findings of the study shed light on the behaviors and attitudes of smokers towards smoking in Turkey.
Perception of Smoking: Most smokers associate smoking with a positive experience; however, economic burden and health risks top the list of negative perceptions.
Behavior Groups: Users were categorized according to their different consumption habits and motivations for quitting:
Social users view smoking more as a means of social interaction. While addicts describe smoking as an integral part of their lives, their motivation to quit is low. Captives are not successful despite wanting to break their addiction.
Motivation and Barriers: Health problems and economic costs are the main motivators to quit smoking. On the other hand, the psychological effects of smoking (stress reduction, relaxation) and social context complicate cessation efforts.
Age of Initiation and Triggers: Most smokers start smoking at the age of 16-18 years. Social environment and peer groups are among the most influential factors in smoking initiation.
These preliminary findings provide important clues to better understand the behavior of smokers in Turkey and to develop strategies to promote smoking cessation.