Esentepe Mah. Büyükdere Cad. No:102 Kat:16 Maya Akar Şişli / İstanbul - Türkiye

+90 212 274 74 66

Prof. Dr. M.Hamza Müslümanoğlu

Prof. Dr. M.Hamza Müslümanoğlu
President of the Association
His academic journey began with his graduation from Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine in 1986. After working as a physician in institutions affiliated with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Family and Social Policies of the Republic of Turkey, he began his doctorate at Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Genetics in 1990. During this period when the GENOME project began and developments such as the discovery of the Thermal Cycler device used in DNA-based studies took place, he took a pioneering step by establishing a DNA molecular laboratory in the department that only had a cytogenetics laboratory. In 1997, he worked on Y-chromosome and mtDNA sequence variations in 350 DNA samples collected from Turkey within the scope of his research conducted in Leuven, Belgium with TÜBİTAK and NATO scholarships. In the same year, he operated the ABI 310 automatic capillary electrophoresis device for the first time in Turkey and earned the title of associate professor in 2006. He played an active role in the establishment of Turkey's first and only medical genetics association, and contributed to the curriculum and authorization arrangements in the field of medical genetics by serving as the association's president. He introduced the MLPA technique to Turkey. In 2010, he took office in the Biotechnological Drugs Licensing Commission at the Ministry of Health's Medicines and Medical Devices Agency and began working as a chief physician at Adana Education and Research Hospital in the same year. In 2012, he became a professor at Istanbul Yıldız Technical University. With Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's appointment, he became responsible for the medical, administrative and financial affairs of seven hospitals under the presidency of Istanbul Fatih Public Hospitals Union. While managing the daily operations of 30,000 polyclinics, 700 surgeries and 12,500 employees, he managed a large budget for five years. In 2017, he operated a laboratory processing 800 samples per day at Yıldız Technical University Research Building. In 2018, he left his position at the Ministry of Health and returned to the university, transferring the Genetic Diagnostic Center from the Ministry of Health to university hospitals. In the same year, he founded the Department of Biomedical Engineering and assumed the department headship. As part of the TUBITAK reverse brain drain project, he included researchers who had gained experience in leading roles in Asia Pacific in a project to work on artificial intelligence-supported gynecological MRI images. In 2018, he joined the board of directors of Yıldız Teknopark A.Ş. and then assumed the chairmanships of the boards of Starcamp and Startürk A.Ş. In the US, he managed a project that brought together entrepreneurs from five universities in Turkey with investors and implemented a similar project in Uzbekistan. Currently, in addition to his duties at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Department of Molecular Biology at Yıldız Technical University, he serves as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Health Promotion and Health Policy Association.